Not in the casual, 'Oh, yeah, I keep up with that show,' kind of way... the 'Oh, I don't really feel like doing homework... why don't I watch 6 or 7 episodes instead' way. Unhealthy.
I'm not really ashamed, because I figure as soon as I run out of episodes this'll all be over and I can go back to living a normal life, only mildly obsessed, when I see a Tardis phone cover and chuckle to myself like, 'Ah, I remember when I watched that show. Lovely time.'
It's bad, y'all. Don't be fooled by my charming southern nomenclature - When I think about Doctor Who my thoughts have a British accent. This is not a drill. Granted, I also happen to be a big fan of Sherlock, Downton Abbey and Harry Potter so it's not completely the fault of the Doctor and his lovable companions. But have you seen any episodes of Doctor Who? He's the defender of earth through all time and space, but he leaves a pretty devastating wake. Part of that wake includes my RP English thoughts and wasted life spent on Netflix.
But I'm not worried. Every time I stumble on a new show I like I spend a lot of time catching up then relax like a normal human being and watch it just once a week. That happened with The Office, Once Upon a Time, Parks and Rec, Sherlock, Downton Abbey... the list goes on. Excepting Firefly (God rest its beautiful soul), which was cancelled during the first season, and Sherlock (which I mistakenly thought was only going to have 2 seasons), I can finish the catching-up period, drop into once-a-week mode, and move on to fully-functioning adulthood. Doctor Who is just taking me a lot longer than normal because it itself is longer than normal. I'm on season six and there's more to go!
Just as a side note, I love Doctor Who for the intriguing characters and riveting plotlines... if not for them, it would be little more than an uncomfortably strange sci-fi show. I'm really not into aliens, believe it or not... and I'm even less a fan of writers who trivialize or demonize my faith. Also filler episodes are my personal Voldemort. But I am into great stories. And as it turns out they're quite addicting, so I ignore the irritants and press on to the finish line. I think I'll be done quite soon with the episodes available legally on Netflix. We'll see what happens at that point if I survive the inevitable implosion that season finales not immediately followed by premiers will cause.
Any fellow Whovians out there who can sympathize with my plight? For the record, I think that's the stupidest name for a fan-base in existence... followed closely by Mockingjays/Tributes. Tweens are the worst. But I digress. Leave a comment!
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